Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 2 of 7, morning smoothie

Last night I made cashew/almond milk from scratch.

7 cups of water
1.5 cups of cashews
.5 cups of almond
12 dates

Soak nuts in water for 1 hour. Then blend all together.

This mornings smoothie.
1 cup of homemade nut milk
1 cup of blue and black berries
1 banana
1 kale stalk

Blended together, its a bit thick so add more water if you like it thinner.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Here I go again, Day 1

I went away on vacation. I drank a lot, ate lots of fries, and bread. Being a vegan going away for the first time was difficult. I ate salad and fries or salad and bread, oh and pasta. I can't just eat salad and drink alcohol, I'll pass out. So instead of not drinking I choose to eat bad carbs. Oh and I had more that usual coffee.

So now that I'm back, I think its time for a detox.

Day 1
Breakfast: 1 cup almond milk, 2 tbs of almond butter, 1 tsp of flax seed, one banana, 1 kale.

Veggie/fruit juice blended in an 8 cup Vitamix.
4 cups of water
4tbs lemon juice
3 inch ginger
1/2 cucumber
3 celery stalk
1 cup of carrots
1 granny Smith apple
1 cup of red grapes
3 kale stalks
3tps spirulina
1/2 avocado

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sweet goodness

When I make a great tasting mix I have to share it.

3 cups of coconut water
2 green apples
1 cup of grapes
1 cup of blue berries
1/2 an avacado
2 inch piece of ginger
1/2 a large beet
2.5 tbs of apple cider vinegar

I use the vitamix blender. This is an awesome smoothie. You taste the ginger and a hint of the vinegar, and it's very tasty.

Let me know if you try this.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Juice detox

So, I'm back at it again. But...I'm going to take my time with it. This week I will consume my vegtable/fruit mix for two days then each week I will increase the days until I do 5 days in a row. Why, well just because I'm not mentally prepared to do 5 day detox.

I would like to mention I have not gained back any weight since my last detox. I have maintained my weight and I'm following a vegan diet.

Mix #1, which taste better than I expected
1 medium beet
1 grape fruit
2 green apples
3 inch piece of ginger
3 stalks of red kale
4 cups of coconut water
All blended together with 3 tps of spirulina in the Vitamix

Mix #2, honestly not as tasty as I expected
1 green apple
1.5 cups of strawberries
2 carrots
.5 cucumber
3 inch ginger
3 stalks of red kale
All blended together with 3 tps of spirulina in the Vitamix

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Simple morning goodness

This morning my juice is good and simple. And i think this combination is well known.

1 beet
3 small carrots
2 red apples
1 lemon
Ginger to taste (I put a large piece of ginger because I wanted to taste it)
3 cups of water if your blending it like i do in my Vitamix

Great healthy easy to start my morning. Have a great day.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy new year

I know I haven't posted in a while, life and work has kept me busy. I still have been juicing but not as much as I should. I took the time to go to the food coop and but a bunch of fruits and veggies. Last night I prepared enough for two days of juice.

2 green apples
1 gala apple
2 celery stalk
2 inch of ginger
Half an avocado
Half a beet
A handful of parsley
2 carrots
Half a mango
3 stalks of kale
1 lemon squeezed
3tsp of spirulina

This was all blended in my 8 cup Vitamix blender. I add 4 cups of water, blend it, and then took some out and added another cup of water, because I wanted a smoother consistency.

This is 10 servings of fruits and veggies. More than I could eat in a day but I can drink it just fine.